SAP IDoc Technology

SAP IDoc technology

SAP IDoc technology is used in ALE, EDI, and third-party systems.

Integration scenarios.

For some of my readers, this may be a journey back in time, but for some

new developers, I hope to give you the tools you need to understand

and demystify the IDoc concept. Also … for you old dogs, see it as

Take corrective action and step in with comments and suggestions. Let us begin !.

What is IDocs?

Evidence You may have heard the term IDoc many times. This blog will help you

understand what an IDoc is and what it is used for.

Let’s look at some key facts about IDocs.

– The term IDoc means intermediate document. It’s just a fact

Container for exchanging information between two processes that use

You can understand the semantics of the data.

– An IDoc is generated as a result of the execution of an outgoing ALE or EDI process.

whereas with an incoming ALE or EDI process, an IDoc is used as input for

creating an application object in SAP, e. B. a sell order or a buy order.

IDocs in the SAP system is stored in database tables. We can use

process, edit, and process. When an IDoc is generated in


This number is unique to a customer.

The IDoc interface

How are IDocs used? What is EDI? ENGLISH BEER? Here I could reveal my age….

but the IDoc interface has existed since version 2.2 when IDocs existed

originally used in the EDI process. So this is a proven and scalable technology

used in a variety of interface requirements.

EDI Integration (Electronic Data Interchange)

EDI is the electronic exchange of business documents between retailers.

Partner in a common industry-standard format such as ANSI X12 or

MEDIFAST. Several applications (purchasing, sales, or shipping) are in SAP

enabled for EDI. An application to use EDI? First, create an app

Document, as an order. Then the EDI interface layer becomes

the requisition document (the purchase order) in an IDoc that

streams an EDI or PI subsystem with an EDI plug-in. The EDI

Middleware translates the IDoc into an industry-standard format and then

You to a business partner over a network.

ALE integration (activation of application links)

ALE enables data exchange between two SAP systems. This is what SAP makes possible

Business processes and applications have to be distributed across several SAPs.

Systems. ALE ensures integration into a distributed SAP environment. The IDoc

acts as a data container. SAP started ALE as an initiative to support a started

Distributed but the integrated environment. ALE enables efficient and reliably

Communication between distributed processes through physically separated

SAP systems to achieve a distributed but integrated logical SAP system.

Since the ALE architecture is system-independent, this is the case

that enabled SAP to use this technology for SAP on non-SAP systems. these

were huge in ALE’s early years, which resulted in it being called a

“Best Practices” for communication with SAP and non-SAP systems.

Handling exceptions through workflow

Dealing with exceptions is always very important and usually a second thought.

in most designs. If you have developed sophisticated applications in the past,

YOU can refer to the agony of developing a single offline agent

Log errors and exceptions across the board and then develop tools

show this information.

IDoc monitoring

Well, IDocs give you complete information about the processing.

Several standard tools are available for viewing logged information. On

In particular, SAP uses workflow technology to intelligently forward errors.

to the right person so they can see what happened, why and how

Continue. Automatically benefits from the use of the IDoc interface

in this exception handling process. This applies to both the standard and yours

Custom IDocs. No additional code is required.

Modification and improvement of IDoc

The use of standard tools that we will discuss in later blogs (the IDOC editor and

Segment Editor) YOU can expand standard SAP IDocs or create new ones

IDoc on the system to support user-defined interfaces. You’re newly developed

IDocs are seamlessly integrated into the standard EDI interface because

developed with the standard tools provided by the system. IDocs developed in

In this way, they are available in the standard SAP IDoc list and can

Advantage of all tools designed for standard IDocs such as IDoc

Monitoring, error handling, and archiving. We will talk about each one in detail.

one of them later.

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In short, the IDoc acts as a container for data exchange between two

Applications. The IDoc interface has many functions and offers

Environment for the SAP interface with SAP, as well as with

Applications. Use of the IDoc interface to integrate external applications

does the SAP system offer several advantages? ts how thoroughly

documented interface, application product independence, number

Test and troubleshooting tools as well as sophisticated error functions

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